Statistical Yearbook 2007
Fire units activities, Emergency calls, Fires, Prevention, Humanitarian assistance, Economic Indicators, Foreign statistics, Materials and information, Types of incidents with fire units interventions and Notes
In 2007, compared to 2006, number of natural accidents markedly increased (due to the Kyrill Hurricane, and also number of fires (mainly wild fires during dry spring period of the year). Number of traffic accidents increased, too, (based on police statistics, although firefighters intervened only in approx. 10 % of total number of traffic accidents),and number of HazMat leakages (esp. oil products on roads). All other types of incidents had only mild changes in numbers.
False alarms cover:
43 % fire alarms messages (-5 % compared to 2006)
19 % symptoms of combustion (0 %)
7 % misused fire units (0 %)
11 % burning without notification (+2 %)
20 % other causes (+3 %)
Reasons of false alarms (Diagram)
Based on the Fire Law No. 133 from 1985, in later versions, fire supervision in premises under responsibility of the Ministry of Defence is provided by fire protection bodies of the MoD, according to Article 85a. Military fire units operate as fire units according to Art. 65a of the Fire Law.
Within the Czech Army there is total of 483 firefighters in 20 fire stations.
Military Fire Supervision practise fire supervision of military objects, premises, in military bases and in companies established by MoD, according to Article 31 if the Fire Law.
Incidents in 3rd stage and in special stage of alert in 2007
Incidents in special stage of alert - None
Incidents in 3rd stage
February, 7th – Fire of a roof over a production hall for kitchen units in Višňová, Příbram district; 10 fire units involved, 2-day operation.
March, 15th – Fire of a warehouse in a gardening premises in Obříství, Mělník district; 13 fire units involved, 2-day operation.
March, 31st – A forest fire on the area of 2140 000 square meters near the municipality of Benátky upon Jizera, Mladá Boleslav; 29 fire units were involved for seven days.
April, 1st – Fire of a briquette warehouse in Újezd u Brna, Brno-venkov district; 29 fire units were involved for seven days.
April, 5th – A forest fire on the area of 70 00 square meters near the municipality of Litošice, Pardubice district; 14 fire units were involved for two days.
April, 14th – A forest fire on the area of 80 00 square meters near the municipality of Kněžmost, Mladá Boleslav district; 15 fire units were involved for two days.
April, 22nd – Fire of a historical building – a castle from 17th century in Jesenný, Semily district; 11 fire units involved.
April, 23rd - A wildfire along railways near the municipality of Řikotín, Brno-venkov district; 9 fire units involved.
April, 25th - A wildfire along railways near the municipality of Řikotín, Brno-venkov district; 8 fire units involved.
May, 7th – Fire of a deposit of textile waste in Prostějov; 7 fire units involved.
May, 13th – Fire of a dumping ground near the municipality of Uhy, Kladno district; 15 fire units involved, 2-day operation.
June, 20th – Elimination of a bird flu focus in the municipality of Tisová and Nořín, Ústí upon Orlice; 8 fire units were involved for ten days.
June, 28th – Fire of a dumping ground with tyres near the municipality of Uherský Brod, Uherské Hradiště district; 29 fire units were involved for 5 days.
July, 11th – Elimination of a bird flu focus in the municipality of Kosořín, Ústí upon Orlice; 19 fire units were involved for eleven days.
July, 30th – A fire of a high-rise building – a panel house in the municipality of Čelákovice, Prague-východ district; 17 fire units involved, 2-day operation.
August, 8th – Technical assistance – leakage of molten glass in a production hall in the municipality of Nové Sedlo, Sokolov district; 18 fire units involved, 3-day operation.
August, 31st – Fire of an engineering production hall in the premises of former textile plant in Liberec; 17 fire units involved, 2-day operation.
September,13th – Fire of a chemical production construction in Kralupy upon Vltava, Mělník district; 20 fire units were involved for seven days.
October, 14th – Fire of an engineering production hall in Plazy, Mladá Boleslav district; 16 fire units involved.
Major exercises of IRS bodies
VLTAVA and LABE 2007 Exercise
Tactical exercise VLTAVA and LABE 2007 took place in the days of 4 – 7 September 2007. Aim: to check up and to train activities of responsible floods bodies and Emergency Management bodies during large-scale floods in river-basins of the Moldau (Vltava) river and the Elbe (Labe) river, connected with declared state of emergency and with solving of floods situations and crisis situations.
The exercise was prepared by the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Environment. More than 1,000 people from central bodies, in seven regions of CR, and in more than 100 municipalities were more or less intensively involved to this four-day exercise. By its span the exercise imitated the 2002 Floods, and by number of participating bodies was one of the biggest exercises in the history of the Czech Republic.
In February – April 2007, as a part of preparing activities, all newly elected and installed mayors and municipal representatives were trained.
Coincidental timing of the exercise and real floods, which came in river-basin of the Odra river, proved good preparing of this exercise.
Cooperation of fire units in incidents (Diagram)
Particular types of fire units in all interventions in 2007:
FRS CR – 67.9 % of all interventions. Total of 237 fire stations.
Municipal VFU – 24.8 % of all interventions. Total of 7,348 fire units of several categories: II – 184, III – 1,358, V – 5,806. From the total number as many as 790 (10.8 %) fire units operated only in one intervention, and 4,569 of them (62.2 %) didn’t operate at all. High portion of interventions were in fires, natural disasters, and in traffic accidents.
Company FRS – 6.7 % of all interventions. Total of 113 fire units, 20 of them are military fire units within the Czech Army which operate as fire units in military objects and premises. Main interventions: technical / technological assistance, and also false alarms. Many interventions of technical assistance were agreed before, and though were not involved into the statistics.
Company VFU – 0.6 % of all interventions. Total of 258 fire units. Main interventions: fires, false alarms.
Total number of firefighters in the Czech Republic in 2007:
* 9,385 professional firefighters with FRS CR (6,529 of them placed in regional fire units of FRS) and 1,132 of civil employees with FRS CR is 10,559 *
2,818 professional firefighters with companies, incl. 468 military firefighters
* 76,026 voluntary firefighters both municipal and companies.
Incidents in municipalities by number of inhabitants (Table XLS)
The Kyrill hurricane
On 18 January 2007 the territory of the Czech Republic was stricken by the Kyrill hurricane, which caused huge amount of emergency situations where mainly fire units were involved. Personal of operation centres had consequently been scaled up, many other professional firefighters were called up from their between-shifts free time, and many voluntary fire units were called up to interventions.
Government Decision No. 11 from 24 January 2007 declared state of emergency due to major natural disaster for the territory of regions: South Bohemia, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, Highlands, Liberec, and for certain districts within the Hradec Králové region (Trutnov, Náchod, Jičín), the Moravian-Silesian region (Bruntál), and the Central Bohemia region (Benešov, Příbram, Kutná Hora, Kolín). The state of emergency was declared from 25 January 2007, 05:00 a.m., to 5 February 2007.
State of emergency was declared because quick clean-up of aftermath (calamity situation in forests) was needed and persisting risks for people from falling down trees in the areas of calamity.
Emergency calls
As the hurricane stroke to the territory of the Czech Republic was super-fast and to large scale, emergency calls increased both in number and duration. In the days of 18 and 19 January 2007, total of 48,833 incoming emergency calls was dispatched in emergency call numbers 112 and 150. Number of emergency calls to 150 was 5 times higher, and number of emergency calls to 112 increased by 30 % but were by 100 % longer. As 112 line suffers from high portion of short malicious calls (50 to 80 % of all calls), statistics are biased – the real emergency calls were approximately three times higher than in average. The 112 Call Centres personal was duplicated to quadruplicated, and technological solutions of call centres – to divert overwhelming calls to available operators – eased prompt dispatching of callers, so that no “queues” of callers were created.
Fire units interventions
Compared to long-term average number of interventions, number of interventions in the days of 18 and 19 January 2007 increased 10 times. Fire units were sent mainly: to remove obstacles from routes (fallen trees), to solve traffic accidents caused by strong wind, to remove or to clean-up torn roofs or damaged buildings with risks of falling down, or endangering surroundings. Total of 2,000 professional firefighters and 12,000 other firefighters (mainly from municipal voluntary fire units) were involved in incidents each of these days. The peak period was on Thursday 18 January 2008 from 6:00 p.m. (beginning of the hurricane stroke) to midnight – within these six hours firefighters operated in more than 2,300 incidents. One firefighter died during clean-up operations in the Česká Lípa district, hit by another tree felling down.
Bird flu in CR
In June and July 2007 FRS CR participated in liquidation of bird flu infection focuses in several large-scale poultry-raising in the Ústí upon Orlice district, East Bohemia. As bird flu occurred in large-scale poultry-raising in the Czech Republic for the first time, it was widely publicised. For the first time, fumigation of breeding halls with CO2 was used for destroying the birds.